Benefits – Corporate Wellness Winnipeg | SMART Health

Studies and Data on ROI of Corporate Wellness Programs

Spearhead the change to create a healthy corporate culture in YOUR Winnipeg business, and enjoy happier, healthier and more productive employees!

A positive corporate culture at your Winnipeg office can have numerous positive changes on your company.

Did you know…

A random sample of 185 workers and their spouses who were not heart patients, but received cardiac rehabilitation and exercise training, improved their health and proved that healthy employees cost you less!  Of those initially classified as high risk (according to body fat, blood pressure, anxiety, and other measures),

  • 57% were converted to low-risk status by the end of the six-month program
  • Medical claim costs had declined by $1,421 per participant (compared with those from the previous year), and
  • Every dollar invested in the intervention yielded $6 in health care savings.

A re-orientation toward prevention could avert 40 million cases of seven chronic diseases… cancers, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, stroke, mental disorders and pulmonary conditions – in the year 2023, and reduce anticipated treatment expenses  and improve productivity by $1.1 trillion.  The report does not put a price tag on prevention and early detection efforts, but the authors suggest that the economic gains and reduced treatment costs would more than pay for such efforts”.

Excerpt from: Chronic diseases sap U.S. Productivity by Lisa Girion from the LA Times-Washington Post, October 3, 2007

“Good health is an investment in economic growth”, said Ross Devol, director of the Milken Institute’s Centre for Health Economics and the lead author of the report titled “An Unhealthy America: The economic Burden of Chronic Disease”.

Companies with effective corporate wellness programs reported a decrease in health care costs, employee absenteeism, and voluntary attrition.  Derived from a study by HR Consulting Firm Towers Watson and the National Business Group on Health

“… the perception of being cared for in a workplace culture that encourages wellness, just might boast a more committed and happy workforce in the new world of work which is arguably hi-tech, global and 24/7….”. “In a new survey by Virgin HealthMiles Inc. and Workforce Management Magazine, as many as 77% of employees responded  that “health and wellness programs positively impact the culture at work.” Forbes Magazine

“Wellness programs provide support for employees in the areas of stress management, spirituality at work, health and fitness, healthy lifestyles, and can become a platform for engaging employees in discussions about “personal sustainability”.  Strandberg Consulting Report on Role of Human Resources Management in Corporate Social Responsibility, for Industry Canada 2009

“Creating a culture-first mentality is a critical step for employers when it comes to building a highly engaged workforce,” said Chris Boyce, CEO of Virgin Pulse, A Health Improvement and Benefits Program