The ProActive Health Panel: Providing the Power to Age Well

We’re all aging, and we want to do it well.

Protect yourself from aging maladies with Smart Health plans in Winnipeg.

Aging well includes living symptom and disease free, full of energy and vitality. Knowing what diseases you are up against in your 30’s, 40’s or 50’s can give you the opportunity to change your health and your destiny before a diagnosis is permanent.

Knowledge is power, and early screening for disease risks gives you the opportunity to respond, rather than react. In a reactive and burdened medical system, tests focus on assessing damage that is often already done, not on risk factors nor best treatments.

To maximize health and reduce the risk of unpleasant diseases, we need better screening tools. We need more detailed and more effective information about our current health status, measurements, which are often called “biomarkers”, inflammatory levels, body functions and genetics.

According to, “a screening test is done to detect potential health disorders or diseases in people who do not have any symptoms of disease. The goal is early detection and lifestyle changes or surveillance, to reduce the risk of disease, or to detect it early enough to treat it most effectively. Screening tests are not considered diagnostic, but are used to identify a subset of the population who should have additional testing to determine the presence or absence of disease.”

Simply put, we need knowledge before we are ill so we can stay healthy. This information is not commonly offered by public medicare, but it is offered by naturopathic doctors (and also those practicing Functional Medicine), who are able to order tests from around the globe. Functional Medicine focuses on the functionality of the body, and teaches patients how to keep functioning well using a variety of tools, including dietary modifications, plant medicine and vitamins and minerals. Even when patients already have diseases, function can be improved upon, often without medications (and side effects).

How would you like the power to reduce your risk of disease? Consider these questions:

Does your mother or father have heart disease?
Was a relative diagnosed with an autoimmune disease like Ulcerative Colitis, or Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Do you worry about developing cancer?
Are your hormonal symptoms a concern, but tests show normal reference ranges?
Do you wonder why you sleep so poorly?

The ProActive Panel includes screening tests that give you a complete picture of your:

  1. Cardiovascular risk factors:
    -True risk factors for high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, as well as death from a heart attack (visit our Cardio Risk blog)
  2. Hormones:
    -Stress versus sleep hormone patterns, melatonin levels
    -Levels of testosterone, progesterone and estrogens, and their ratios, to understand hormonally driven symptoms, as well as levels of toxic versus safe metabolites of estrogen, which can be related to cancer.
  3. Digestive Function and Bacterial Balance:
    -Gut bacteria levels, the good (probiotics), the bad (bacterial levels that can cause symptoms), and the ugly (parasites, poor digestion and absorption, leaky gut, all potentially associated with the development of autoimmunity and cancer)

The ProActive Panel includes 3 samples, including a small blood sample, a urine test, and a simple stool test, the latter two being done at home.

As a naturopathic doctor (ND) with a host of functional tests available, these are my three favourite tests for patients who would like to know more about their bodies and their risks! They go beyond the bloodwork done at annual physicals, illustrating risk factors for future diseases and the causes of symptoms. This is cutting edge testing, and allows for proactive health care to age well with less health related anxiety and more confidence.

To arrange for the ProActive Panel for yourself or a loved one, please call to book a 60 minute consultation with Dr. Sara Korsunsky, or a free 5 minute phone consultation. We can be reached at 204-488-6528.

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